I feel so sad…..

wp-1461366040733.pngwp-1461366056129.pngThis is not something I would normally write about but I just cant get these beautifull little angels out my head.

Over the last 2 weeks I have been reading about little Ayeeshia Smith and little Liam Fee, who was autistic. Murdered by the one person who should protect and love them. Safe to say I am traumatised by their suffering. I have broke my heart over them both, I pray they are at peace.

I honesty can’t even begin to imagine how a mother could hurt her child, never mind kill.

Ayeeshias smiths killer, refuse to say mother as she resembles no mother. Has been found guilty and sentenced to 24 years in prison. I’ve never supported the death penalty but on these circumstances, I would.

She will be 46 when she gets out of prison, with a new identity costing millions paid by tax payer. Still able to have a life.  How is this justice for jumping on your 2 year old little girl so hard, her heart was torn in half.

Little Ayeeshia was abused for all of her 21 months on this earth. She never knew love. She never even knew what it was like to go to bed with a full tummy at night.  Starved, beaten and ignored.  Ive cried so hard my eyes were swollen, all I can think is I wish I knew her. I would have taken her into safety. Raised  and loved her as my own child. It’s just heartbreaking….

Then little Liam Fee, his story released a few days after. The monsters who Murdered this little angel are at trial just now. Day 8 of a 8 week trial.

Liam also suffered beyond anything imaginable. A barbaric death at the hands of two evil women.

As Liam was Autistic and vulnerable his killers took no pitty. They tortured him, locked him in a cage with rats and even as a baby he was tied to his cot with cable ties. In the end beaten so badly he swallowed his tongue.

Liam was put in a dark room with no social interaction and left there, cold and hungry. How scared must he have been. I just can’t deal with thinking of these beautiful little angels and their suffering. But I had to get this out as it has been taken over my head for 2 weeks now. I can’t stop thinking about them.

No child should ever have to be put through this evil. A vunerable autistic little boy and a fragile malnutritioned little girl….

Their deaths should not be in vain, the justice system needs to act now.  Tougher sentences for these monsters. Life in prison should mean life!!! If you take a life, then yours should be taken also.

Ayeeshia and Liam, angels amongst the stats. I pray for you, you both have touched my heart and if you were my children, I would have loved you both  the way you should have been. I pray that you both will be given the chance again in this world. To a mother who will cherish and be devoted to giving you a life filled with love.

Bless you both, I would have been proud to have had you as my children.


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